Get the Right Ring Joint Gasket for Your Needs
The Ring Type Joint (RTJ) Gasket, also known as a Ring Joint, is a type of gasket that withstands high temperatures and pressures in applications such as pipe flanges, pressure vessels, valve bonnets, high-pressure steam, gas, hot oil, and other high-temperature and high-pressure applications.
There are various types of RTJ gaskets, including the following:
Ring Type Joint Types
Ring Joint Oval Type
Ring joint Octagonal Type
Ring Joint RX Type
Ring Type Joint Gasket
JIC 3850-V
Ring Joint Oval Type
The Oval Type Ring Joint is an oval-shaped gasket that withstands high pressure and resists leakage. Its oval shape allows the gasket to adapt to surface deformations caused by pressure.
JIC 3850-C
Ring joint Octagonal Type
The Octagonal Type Ring Joint is an octagonal-shaped gasket similar to the Oval Type Ring Joint. Its octagonal shape provides a larger contact area with the flange surface, resulting in a stronger and more durable gasket.
JIC 3850-BX
Ring Joint BX Type
The BX Type Ring Joint is a rectangular-shaped gasket with a complex geometric design. This gasket is used in flanges designed for extremely high pressure and severe operating conditions.
JIC 3850-RX
Ring joint RX Type
The RX Type Ring Joint is a rectangular-shaped gasket with flat top and bottom surfaces. This gasket is used for flanges with special designs that require a more flexible and easy-to-install gasket.
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